Sol Nal (설날)
A few years ago, Dan Zanes and Friends embarked on a Holiday House Party tour, featuring different kinds of festive holiday music. As part of this show, Dan asked if I knew any Korean holiday songs. After some exploration, I taught the band Sol Nal, a song that describes the many celebrations that happen around Korean New Year. I added a simple chorus that we could teach to our audiences, and thus began the making of this album!
This track features the original lineup from our Holiday House Party shows (including Tareq Abboushi on buzuk), plus a few other friends, including the wonderful Gamin on piri (Korean traditional wind instrument), and Techung on piwang (Tibetan one or two-stringed bowed instrument).
Sing Along
Sol Nal-un Cho-ah-yo = I like New Year's
Sol Nal
Filmed in Brooklyn
Dan Zanes: banjo, vocals
Colin Brooks: drums
Saskia Lane: upright bass
John Foti: accordion, vocals
Sonia de los Santos: vocals
Tareq Abboushi: buzuk
Gamin: piri
Techung: piwang
Jean Cook: vocals
Rob Friedman: tambourine, vocals
Elena Moon Park: guitar, jarana, vocals